My Books

Rob has three books, (Think. Map. Do. , The Operator & Tales of the PhD). Each with in-depth, real-world leadership insights for both young and seasoned leaders who want to continue to grow their careers. He teaches the practical management skills needed to advance into senior management or grow all the way to the C-Suite! He takes his 28 years of senior leadership in big, industry leading NYSE companies (as both a Division President and Regional President) and clearly defines how to get pushed-up and, importantly, how to avoid mistakes that could derail (or significantly delay) your quest for career advancement.

Think. Map. Do.

How Ambitious Leaders Can Accelerate Their Climb Into Senior Management.

Think Map. Do. was published in January 2023 and became an International Best Seller shortly thereafter.

This recently published work is a no-nonsense book to help you get clear on what you really want in your career and to teach you a powerful formula for getting pushed up into senior leadership. If you want to lead, this book shows you how to get there! It’s filled with numberous stories, examples and street-smart wisdom from someone who’s been to “the show”.

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The Operator

Learn How To Become A Rockstar In The Home Building Industry.

This recently published book is what my Master Class series is based upon. It teaches you how to zoom out, think organizationally and become not only an effective leader, but one who lasts for the long run. It’s many intriguing stories teach you how to succeed, how to avoid career limiting blunders and how to become a superstar in your company.

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Tales of the PhD

True stories of Tragedy, Triumph, and Relentless Tenacity.

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Beyond his books, Rob offers a comprehensive Master Class on how young leaders can accelerate their careers into senior management. Why not sign up today?

Rob’s Master Class helps YOU grow into the leader you aspire to become. He teaches practical, straight from the fox-holes insights into what leadership really looks like (short of all those ridiculous platitudes); 6 key things to look for in a P&L; SWOT analysis for strategic decision making; the Dunning Kruger effect and what this mis-step looks like in young leaders; staying on top of your game for the marathon; and a host of other interesting and immediately applicable ideas that were born from his near 30 year career in senior management with the two biggest NYSE companies in his industry.

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